James Hardie® Insulated Siding

Give Your Home Elegance and Durability with James Hardie® Siding

HardiePlank® Lap Siding Provides the Elegant Look of Cedar with Greater Durability.

Fiber Cement Siding

If you like the look of wood siding, but want something that is more durable over time, consider the benefits of fiber cement siding. MLM Home Improvement (a top 500 Remodeler) has provided quality exterior remodeling solutions for homeowners in the Mid-Atlantic since 2007, and can replace your existing home siding with quality fiber cement siding from James Hardie.

James Hardie® Insulated Siding

If you like the look of wood siding, but want something that is more durable over time, consider the benefits of fiber cement siding. MLM Home Improvement (a top 500 Remodeler) has provided quality exterior remodeling solutions for homeowners in the Mid-Atlantic since 2007, and can replace your existing home siding with quality fiber cement siding from James Hardie.

HardiePlank® Lap Siding With Insulation (a.k.a. Hardie Board Siding)

The best-selling fiber cement siding made by James Hardie® is HardiePlank® lap siding. It’s popularity is due to it’s visual similarity to cedar wood siding. It is thicker than vinyl siding, which allows for deeper grooves and authentic wood-grain effect. It is a great option for historic homes, or for homeowners that want a more elegant look for their home’s exterior.

While HardiePlank® lap siding has the appearance of wood, it is formulated to provide superior resistance to sun, moisture and extreme temperatures. It can resist swelling, warping, cracking and mold damage better than wood siding. It is very resistant to flood and fire damage; and is also resistant to being eaten/damaged by woodpeckers, termites and the like. These benefits have helped to earn HardiePlank® the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.

Additional James Hardie® Siding Options

James Hardie® has additional options to complement the look of HardiePlank® lap siding, depending on the style requirements of your home:
  • HardieShingle® – Shingle Style Siding (straight, staggered, scalloped edge options
  • HardiePanel® – Vertical Style Siding (can be combined with batten boards for layered look)
  • HardieSoffit® – Style and Protection for Underside of Roof Eaves / Porch Ceilings
  • HardieTrim® – Accentuation for corners, columns, facia, windows, doors

James Hardie® Fiber Cement Siding Installation Cost – Get a Free Quote Today!

Contact MLM Home Improvement today to learn more about the benefits of James Hardie® fiber cement siding. Give us a call or fill out our online form to request a free consultation and price estimate.
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