What Does Hail Damage Look Like?​

What Does Hail Damage Look Like?

As a homeowner, it’s important to be aware and prepared for storms that can potentially cause damage to your home, but a weather event such as a hailstorm can be unpredictable. When hail is in the area, there is nothing that is safe in terms of what it can damage. Materials for roofing and siding are built to last, but hail can manage to shorten that lifespan within one storm.

After hail goes through your region, we advise you to conduct a roofing inspection to see if there has been any damage. If the storm was big enough, sometimes you can spot the damage from the ground. If that’s not the case, we recommend calling MLM to come out and perform a free damage assessment.

There are different variables on what can determine the impact of hail damage.

The first factor is wind. During any type of storm, wind speed tends to be sporadic with an ever changing direction and speed. This is why after a hail storm, you may experience excessive exterior damage but your neighbor’s home could be untouched.

The second variable is size and density. Generally speaking, the bigger the storm the bigger the damage. There’s no telling the size of the hail prior to the hailstorm, which makes it even harder to be prepared.

Another factor is barriers. Barriers such as fences, or trees can be great in the defense against a hail storm.

Below are the most common signs of hail damage:

  • Missing roof granules
  • Dents and bruising in shingles
  • Shingle tears or lifted shingles

In addition to inspecting your roof, the most commonly hit place is your gutters. After a hail storm, it’s necessary to inspect your gutters for dents and dings. Although the damage might seem small, any damage on gutters is a sign of trouble ahead.

Inspecting your siding is the next place to look over. Siding materials are built strong to withstand a lot, but depending on the intensity and wind speed of the storm, it’s possible your siding got hit as well. If there is one spot of damage on your exterior, checking everything will ensure you take care of the damage all at the same time to prevent major issues from arising afterward.

MLM is here to help!

If you would like a free, professional damage assessment, we are here to serve you! Give us a call at (844) MLM-ROOF and one of our trained project consultants will come and give you valuable knowledge about the state of your roof.

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