
Reduce Energy Bills

Improve the Energy Efficiency of Your Roof

Extreme weather more than likely will equate to your energy costs increasing. Any season you need extended use of your heating or cooling system, will mean more money out of your pocket. While there is a long list of ways to make your home more energy efficient, focusing on your


R-Values & What They Mean For Your Home

In trying to make your roof more energy efficient, one of the first thoughts should be how well insulated it is. If your home isn’t staying cool in the summer and warm in the winter without costing you a pretty penny via energy bills, your answer is ‘it’s not well

Reduce Energy Bills

Celebrate Earth Day with Home Energy Savings

Considerations for DMV & NJ homeowners to save on energy bills with smart investments and easy fixes Over the past decade – from changing their everyday behaviors to adopting energy efficient appliances – society, and homeowners in particular, have taken a greater interest in reducing their energy use. In fact,


Summer in April: What does that mean for your roof?

With the calendar in the final week of April, a wide stretch of the nation will be privy to a summer preview for a few days as a warm front moves west to east. Places from Chicago to New York will all get in on the taste of summer and


How To Choose The Right Window Style For Your Home

Windows are an important part of the home. They connect us to our outside surroundings, provide natural light to enter in the home and serve to keep your house cross-ventilated. A room without windows feels stuffy, dark and gloomy. Aside from their functionality, windows also provide some exterior style. So,


4 Questions To Ask a Contractor

Guiding DMV & NJ residents through pre-project conversations with their contractors    With the weather warming many of us are probably considering sprucing up our homes through various improvement projects. Between the winter storms we have just weathered and the spring showers we are expecting, our homes, and especially our


3 Signs A Home’s Window Seal Has Failed

Unlike the windows of the past, most windows today have two or more glass panes that are sealed completely around the edges with a rubbery sealant, whose function is to keep out humidity. Most windows also have a form of gas (either krypton or argon) that are used to further


Summer Roof Maintenance

This weekend is Memorial Day and unofficially marks the start of Summer 2021! Summer is a season full of outdoor activities, days at the beach and barbecues. But it is also the hottest season, and the temperatures will be rising. Depending on the person, you may love the hot temperatures


Not Your Father’s Roof: The Evolution of Roofing

A Guide for DMV & NJ residents on advancements in roofing Similar to construction, it is often misperceived that the roofing industry may not have been innovative over time. However, in recent years, and especially during this past one, roofing has seen many advancements from how contractors are leveraging new